1:1 Couples

Are you feeling disconnected from your partner? Are you desiring to have a deeper connection with more intimacy?

Together we journey back into the body through somatic healing and tantric embodiment practices for a minimum of 3 months, exploring generational trauma, inner child healing, sacred sexuality, religious and sexual trauma to help you uncover and embody your authentic self.

This journey begins with doing the work separately; exploring the ways you still wear masks and continue to carry the armor that keeps you from fully connecting to yourself and your partner. Journeying into self will allow you to come back together to deeply connect in more intimate ways.

Each partners journey is unique, curated at their own rate and pace to assure support and safety.

More than likely one partner has taken the leap into their own healing journey and began to explore many healing modalities to connect deeper to themselves and better understand their trauma, often times then they begin to understand they cannot heal all of their trauma with the person they have created it with initially. 

This is where I step in as a guide to help you both begin your journey back home to self first; while exploring and expanding new ways to come back together.